How To Do On-Page SEO Services and Earn Money

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO service is the process of optimizing the website, which includes website content update, meta-tag modifications and many others. The goal of on-page optimization is to help the website meet SEO criteria.

How to perform it?

Website Content

Before doing anything else, we should first check the content of the website. Search engine spiders like original and new content, so we need to make sure that the content is not copied from other websites and the website content is updated regularly. New content not only interests spiders, but also make the site interesting to visitors.

Meta Tags

When referring to meta tags, you should pay attention to three tags which are the title tag, the description tag and the keyword tag. These tags define the content of the website and are displayed in the search engine results, so optimizing them is necessary.


Generally speaking, a sitemap is an HTML page which contains a list of all pages of the site. Sitemaps can not only help visitors find what they are looking for, but also give search engine spiders a guide to the structure of the site. Each website should have a sitemap for it is good for website ranking.

Gaining visibility for your website on the popular search engines is something that every business owner would want. Given the way competition is shaping up in the online world, you simply cannot afford to ignore the benefits and importance of SEO for your website. SEO is nothing but the way you make your website search engine friendly, so that visitors who are looking for similar services like the one that you are offering are able to see your site readily. Getting a better ranking for your website among the thousand other sites offering similar service is an uphill task, for sure. Adopting effective on page SEO service for your website will surely help your business go that extra mile.

There are various effective strategies that can be taken up for your website, as a part of on-page SEO. There are a good number of companies these days that are offering quality on-page optimization service. If you want your site to gain prominence on the popular search engines, getting in touch with one of these companies would be of help. Generally speaking, these companies will offer you various SEO packages to choose from. Go for the one that suits your business the most, and let the effective on-page optimization service do all the talking for your business. There are different aspects of on-page SEO that can be taken up. Let us look into the primary ones in detail now.

The many benefits of on-page optimization would include increase quality traffic to your site, work in developing a user-friendly site by optimizing the content of your site, going ahead of your competitors who are into a similar kind of business, your chances of earning a good return on your investment is high if you do effective on-page SEO, pocket friendly means of increasing your ROI as compared to the other means, and it also helps in expanding your network to reach out to a wide range of audiences on the Net. Getting hold of an affordable on-page SEO service that can deliver you quality work will be greatly beneficial for your business. Getting active on the various online portals and bulletin boards and getting news coverage online for your business is an effective way of increasing traffic to your site, and SEO can help you in this.

On-page optimization has different activities to it, goes beyond saying. Doing SEO properly for your site means ensuring that your site has a consistent look and feel to it. If you are working on SEO, you benefit by checking this. This helps in maximizing the effectiveness of your website to the search engines as well as your users. If you have SEO done properly for your site, your site stands a fair chance of going ahead of your competitors who are into a similar kind of business. SEO will also help you highlight those parts of your site that you want your users to notice. By using HTML tags, you can do this, thereby being able to grab the attention of your users.

Search engine optimization service has two types, one is on-page SEO and the other is off-page SEO. Every SEO service company offers both types of SEO services. In this article, I want to talk about on-page SEO service to help people know better about search engine optimization.



Local SEO Packages for Google #1 Ranking













Location Served





Our initial goal is to improve the site's authority and get the site ranking for it's transactional keywords.


Getting the site visible in the Local Area

Best Suited For

Local Businesses

Keywords are Generally

Competitive, Mid Competitive & Low Competitive Keywords


SEO Related Technical Audits + On Page + Backlinks + Content Generation

What to expect

Better Rankings + More Calls + Enquiries

Improvements Expected

From 1 month onwards

Analysis Phase

OnPage SEO Report

We'll be sending you the current technical areas of your website which needs improvements.

Duplicate Content Check

We'll check the duplicacy of conent from Copyscape just to make sure that our content in not copied any where on the web.

Competition Analysis

We'll check out all your competitors and look into their marketing startegy and from that we'll get an idea about the work we need to do and we can easliy follow the footsteps of competitors.

Backlink Audit

We'll analyze the current link profile of the website to check if we have any spam linking done in the past.

Initial SEO Report

We'll send you initial report of all the metics from backlinks, keywords ranking, domain authority etc.

Initial Rankings Report

Will send you the ranking report of selected keywords so that you can compare before & after after a month.

Research Phase

Local Keyword Analysis

Keyword selected by specific city or states as per client requirments for example "services +City" or City + Services"

City wise Keyword Analysis

Pin Code wise Keyword Analysis

GEO Based keywords

Competitive keywords

Website Enhancement (On Page SEO)

Meta Optimization Phase

Meta's Optimization

We'll optimize meta tags for all your website with Keywords+city .

Upto 10 Pages

Upto 20 Pages

Upto 30 Pages

Title & Meta Tags Optimization

Keyword Tags Optimization

Rendering & Indexing

XML Sitemap

Implement the site map for better crawlability

Image Sitemap

Implement the site map for better crawlability

Robots.Txt Creation/Analysis

We'll optimize the robots file to noindex the unwanted pages.

Check Noindex & Index Tag

Will check if there is any useful pages which is marked as noindex

URL Optimization Phase

URL Structure/Mapping Analysis

Will identify and map targeted keywords + location inclusion to the URL structure of various landing pages.

Check SEO Friendly URL's

If required, we will update url Like

URL Rewriting(If Required)


Check URL Canonicalization

Will make sure that only one copy of the website should be visible to Google.

Content Optimization Phase

Services Page Content Optimization

Optimize the content and add local keywords in content like City+services or Services+city.

FAQ content

Location based FAQ like if someone ask "What is ?)

1 Page in Month

2 pages in Month

3 Pages of Month


Write blogs for particular location and add keywords smartly




Tracking Setup & Verification

Google / Bing Webmaster Setup (If not setup)

It helps to analyze Google Search results of your website. We will set it up or analyze if it's properly setup.

Google Analytic Setup (If not setup)

Google Analytics lets you measure your ROI by showing various statistics of traffic. It has to be properly setup so that you get real data.

Goal Set up

Goals measure how well your site or app fulfills your target objectives. A goal represents a completed activity, called a conversion, that contributes to the success of your business. Goal setup for each location we are targeting. So we can check from which location we are getting good business

Google Analytics Filters

We'll setup filter in Analytics for better data collection.

Analytic Custom Dashboard

Dashboards contain one or more widgets (up to 12 per Dashboard) that give you an overview of the dimensions and metrics you care about most.

Website Speed Optimization

Google Pagespeed Test & Optimization

Will send recommendations on the site speed and all the possible areas of improvements




Speed Optimization (Desktop/Mobile)

Website Enhancements

Hx Tags Correction(On Location Phrases)

H1 are there on almost all the page but we need to optimize them based on the keywords.

Upto 10 Pages

Upto 20 Pages

Upto 30 Pages

Image Alt Tag Analysis / Updation

Will add proper Alt Tags It will help Google to read your images better.


Anchor Tag/Internal Linking Optimization(Priority on Location)

Will optimize the internal links for better navigation for different location + keyword pages and authority distribution


Canonical Tag Impletmention (If Applicable)

Will check if we have duplicate content or pages targeting same keyword

Broken Links Optimization

We will check all the broken links of your website.

Schema Implementation for Contact Address

We will implement the Schema code on your website. Only wordpress website. We will give you suggestion for other CMS

Structured Data Implementation (If Required)


Favicons are icons that visually represent a website and/or brand.

Footer Optimization (If Applicable)

Will check if we need to optimize the footer and recommend any changes if needed. Make sure to link all location pages from footer

Call To Action Report

Will send you detailed call-to-action report of the targeted pages.

Link Detox

Will check if we'll have any spam links on the website. Need to be sure to have 80-90% location based links

Mobile Friendly Test

Will test the website on differet platforms to see if the website is responsive

Check W3C Error Report

Will check and fix the HTML validation errors in W3C.

Local Listing Setup and Optimization

Google My Business Setup & Verification (if required)

We will setup/optimize your Google My Buisness Page. Verification will require address check via PostCard.

Bing Maps(if required)

We will setup/optimize your Bing Maps. Verification will require address check via PostCard.

Apple Maps(if required)

We will setup/optimize your business on Apple Maps. Verification will require address check via PostCard or Phone call

Local Search Promotion

Google Business - Photo/Multimedia additions

Having a great Google Business profile with latest photos, videos and content helps you to keep your account fresh & get ranked

Google Business + Wall Updates

Regular Google Business wall update with new products or offers

once in week

two times in week

4 times in week

Business Directories Customer Reviews/Ratings

Add positive reviews over local business directories for better rating




Local Business Listings

List the business over 1000s of local citation/directories for more visibility & branding




City Specific Directory Submission

Local Business Classified Submission




Content Creation

Blog Writing On-site




City Specific Landing Pages




Local PR(Press Release) Writing




High Quality PR, Guest Post & Resource Pages

PR on Authoritative News Site(DR 40 - DR 80)




Guest Posting Submission




High Quality Mixed Links(Authoritative DR & DA)

Mixed Backlinks(DR -> 50 - 90)




Competitors Links Acquision

50 outreaching

100 outreaching

Branding Website Profile Creation(, crunchbase,etc.)




3rd Party Reviews Local




Quality Check

Built in Multi-Tiered Structure-Tier 1 & Tier 2




Diversified Anchors Strategy




Unique domains




Mixed in Natural Way: Dofollow & Nofollow




Permanent SEO Backlink




Real-Time Live Reporting - 24*7

Search Engine Rank Report




SEO Progress Reports




Google Analytics Traffic & Lead Report




Monthly Action Report


Contact Us

Have questions on our services, or interested in working with us? Please email,, or deliver us a name at +918143315810. In case you prefer, you may fill out the contact form beneath, and we are able to get lower back to you shortly. Thank you for selecting Mindosolution!

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